Effect of step size on accuracy of numerical first derivative:
Forward Divided Difference [PDF] [PPT]
Backward Divided Difference [PDF][PPT]
Effect of step size on accuracy of numerical first derivative: Central Divided Difference [PDF] [PPT]
Comparing the Forward Divided Difference, Backward Divided Difference and Central Divided Difference [PDF] [MWS] | [PDF] [MCD] | [PDF] [NB] | |PDF] [MFILE]
Effect of Significant Digits on the Value of the Numerical Derivative [PDF] [MWS] | [PDF] [MCD]|[PDF] [NB]|[PDF] [MFILE]
Nonlinear Equations
Quest for cubic equation solution[PDF][DOC]
Simultaneous Linear Equations
Effect of significant digits on solution of equations
Simulation [MWS] [MCD] [NB] [MFILE] |Textbook notes (pages 5-16 of) [PDF] [DOC]
Saving of computational time for finding inverse of a matrix using LU decomposition
Simulation [MWS] [MCD] [NB] [MFILE] | Textbook notes (pages 2-4 of) [PDF] [DOC]
Adequacy of Solutions [PDF] [MWS] | [PDF] [DOC]
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors [DOC] [PDF]
History of Interpolation [PDF][DOC]
Dangers of extrapolation through NASDAQ, [PDF][DOC]|[MWS] [MCD] [MFILE] [NBM]
Higher order interpolation is a bad idea [PDF][DOC]| [MWS] [MCD] [MFILE] [NBM]
Comparison of spline & polynomial interpolation [PDF] [DOC]|[MWS] [MCD] [MFILE] [NBM]
Choice of points of interpolation affects approximations [PDF][DOC]|[MWS] [MCD] [MFILE] [NBM]
Splines help in developing a shorter path for a robot [PDF][DOC]|[MWS] [MCD] [MFILE] [NBM]
What is integration? [PDF] [DOC]
A Primer on Integral Calculus [PDF] [DOC]
Ordinary Differential Equations
What are ordinary differential equations? [PDF] [DOC]
A primer on ordinary differential equations [PDF] [DOC]
On solving higher order and coupled ordinary differential equations [PDF] [DOC]