Numerical Methods Simulations

These simulations show how different numerical methods work.  The simulations have been developed only with HTML5 and JavaScript, and use the framework of Phet simulations.

The page corresponding to each simulation also gives links to the full resources for the topic including textbook content, video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, and multiple-choice tests.

Introduction to Scientific Computing

Modeling Errors (SIM)

          Number of Significant Digits (SIM)

Converting a Decimal Number to Fixed-Point Floating-Point Representation (SIM)

          Accuracy of Floating-Point Binary Representations (SIM)

Numerical Differentiation

Divided Difference Methods for Numerical Differentiation (SIM)

Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations

Bisection Method (SIM)

Newton Raphson Method (SIM)

Simultaneous Linear Equations

Effect of Significant Digits on Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations (SIM)


Higher-Order Interpolation is a Bad Idea (SIM)

Length of Interpolated Curves (SIM)


Linear Regression (SIM)

Adequacy of Linear Regression Model: Coefficient of Determination (SIM)

Nonlinear Regression with Transformed vs Untransformed Data (SIM)

Numerical Integration

Reimann Sum (SIM)

Trapezoidal Rule (SIM)

Length of Interpolated Curves (SIM)

Gauss Quadrature Rule (SIM)

Integration of Functions Given at Discrete Points (SIM)

Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

Response of a Second Order ODE (SIM)

Euler’s Method (SIM)

Runge-Kutta 2nd Order Method (SIM)