4.3 Starting a new simulation

Refer to official documentation here: https://github.com/phetsims/phet-info/blob/master/doc/phet-development-overview.md#creating-a-new-sim

After checking out the dependencies and installing grunt-cli in the preceding instructions, you can create your own simulation using the template.

  1. Check out the template sim, called ‘simula-rasa’ using this git clone command:       cd phetsims       git clone https://github.com/phetsims/simula-rasa.git
  2. Install the chipper dependencies:       cd chipper       npm install
  3. Install the perennial dependencies:       cd ../perennial       npm install
  4. Use the perennial ‘grunt’ task to create a new sim, like so (still in the perennial directory):       grunt create-sim --repo=NAME --author=AUTHOR For instance, if the simulation is going to be named Acceleration Lab and the author is Jane Doe, then you could put:       grunt create-sim --repo=acceleration-lab --author="Jane Doe"
  5. Test the created simulation in the browser and make sure it launches. It should be a blank simulation. Write to the Developing Interactive Simulations in HTML5 Google Group if you run into problems.

Citation: PhET Interactive Simulations. They can be found here at: https://github.com/phetsims
Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).