Quiz Chapter 05.05: Spline Method of Interpolation


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(More on Spline Interpolation)


(More on Interpolation)

Pick the most appropriate answer

1. The following n data points, \left( x_{1}, y_{1} \right), \, \left( x_{2}, y_{2} \right), \, ... \, , \, \left( x_{n}, y_{n} \right) are given. For conducting quadratic spline interpolation the x-data needs to be


2. In cubic spline interpolation,


3. The following incomplete y vs. x data is given

x 1 2 4 6 7
y 5 11 ???? ???? 32

The data is fit by quadratic spline interpolants given by

      • f (x) = ax - 1, \, 1 \leq x \leq 2
      • f (x) = -2x^{2} + 14x - 9, \, 2 \leq x \leq 4
      • f (x) = bx^{2} + cx + d, \, 4 \leq x \leq 6
      • f (x) = 25x^{2} - 303x + 928, \, 6 \leq x \leq 7

where a, \, b, \, c, and d, are constants. The value of c is most nearly


4. The following incomplete y vs. x data is given

x 1 2 4 6 7
y 5 11 ???? ???? 32

The data is fit by quadratic spline interpolants given by

      • f (x) = ax - 1, \, 1 \leq x \leq 2
      • f (x) = -2x^{2} + 14x - 9, \, 2 \leq x \leq 4
      • f (x) = bx^{2} + cx + d, \, 4 \leq x \leq 6
      • f (x) = ex^{2} - fx + g, \, 6 \leq x \leq 7

where a, \, b, \, c, \, d, \, e, \, f, and g, are constants. The value of \dfrac{df}{dx} at x = 2.6 is most nearly


5. The following incomplete y vs. x data is given

x 1 2 4 6 7
y 5 11 ???? ???? 32

The data is fit by quadratic spline interpolants given by

      • f (x) = ax - 1, \, 1 \leq x \leq 2
      • f (x) = -2x^{2} + 14x - 9, \, 2 \leq x \leq 4
      • f (x) = bx^{2} + cx + d, \, 4 \leq x \leq 6
      • f (x) = 25x^{2} - 303x + 928, \, 6 \leq x \leq 7

where a, \, b, \, c, and d, are constants. What is the value of\, \displaystyle\int_{1.5}^{3.5} f (x) \, dx?


6. A robot needs to follow a path that passes through six data points as shown in the figure.

MC05.05 Question 6 Chart

To find the shortest path that is also smooth, you would recommend which of the following?