Quiz Chapter 01.02 Measuring Error MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST (All Tests) MEASURING ERROR (More on Measuring Errors) INTRO TO SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (More on Scientific Computing) Pick the most appropriate answer 1. True error is defined as Present Approximation – Previous Approximation True Value – Approximate Value abs (True Value – Approximate Value) abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation) 2. The expression for true error in calculating the derivative of \sin \left( 2x \right) at x = \dfrac{\pi}{4} by using the approximate expression {f}' \left( x \right) \approx \dfrac{f \left( x+h \right) - f \left( x \right)}{h} is \dfrac{h-\cos\left(2h\right)-1}{h} \dfrac{h-\cos\left(h\right)-1}{h} \dfrac{1-\cos\left(2h\right)}{h} \dfrac{\sin\left(2h\right)}{h} 3. The relative approximate error at the end of an iteration to find the root of an equation is 0.004%. The least number of significant digits we can trust in the solution is 2 3 4 5 4. The number 0.01850\times10^{3} has _________ significant digits 3 4 5 6 5. The following gas stations were cited for irregular dispensation by the Department of Agriculture. Which one cheated you the most? Station Actual gasoline dispensed Gasoline reading at pump Ser Cit Hus She 9.90 19.90 29.80 29.95 10.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 Ser Cit Hus She 6. The number of significant digits in the number 219900 is 4 5 6 4 or 5 or 6 Loading …